Now our new Home Minister says, his department is looking into the case of Afzal Guru. There has to be a limit of inaction. Supreme Court has given their verdict to hang Guru, so what else is there to look? This love of Muslim for votebank support will someday eliminate a country named India from the map of the world. First, our ex-President made a serious mistake by accepting the petition from Guru's family, by showing, he has no respect for Judiciary. Now Home Ministry's new boss, Mr. Chidambaram is doing the same thing. Mr. Patil was sitting on it, now The New Home Minister is also following his line. There has to be a limit of inaction. It happens only in India, as filmstar Govinda said in one of the film song, we have to take a lesson on guts, from Israel. We are slowly and steadily becoming the most inactive nation in the world, who does not know, how to protect our homeland. Can anyone tell me, how long we will continue as a GUTLESS NATION?

The problem is not the creation of additional centers etc. It is who is going to control them - The IPS or police ? Then we are doomed. The NSG is staffed and run by the Army. Such police run schools in the country have been a failure in the past and will be a failure in the future. They are too soft and have poor leadership. IPS officers are not trained and basically sit on a chair for the better part of their lives. Its a colonial police force strong on priveleged and poor on integrity. The home minister needs a reality check.

Keep on enacting new laws, but no law agency to enforce it.Wake up India,your leaders are dissecting India, slowly but surly, they are incompetent and have no set policies, except that of , "Empty pockets make much noise, is these crooked politicians mantra."Fight for country survival, before it is too late, Pakistan is no country, but a terrorist H.Q, kept alive by ISI and American dole.

Come out of this mechanical format, take some action,Indians want action not reaction, act know, donot divert attention, you should know that indians are ashmed of you and indian government.

How do we ensure that the newly formed agency would not be used by Politicians? What guarantees that they will not go the way NSG has gone, protecting cowards?

I think after a period of long years, NIA is created..Hope they are not again used for guarding PM or President or any other officio post in the country... Even when they sit ideal, dont move them to guard anyone... Give very good equiptments to them...including communication devices...

We hope that the new Law can help in controlling terrorism in our country. Enforcement of law should be above political interests. JAI HIND
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