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Pak textbooks build hate culture against India | |
S Baishnab,Abu Dhabi,says:It is really shameful that how the innocent minds are filled with a sense of hatred from the childhood itself against India / Indian Community. The contents of the text books to be circulated world over to let people know the ideology of Pakistan people in general and Pakistan government in particular. [27 Dec, 2008 0933hrs IST] chaman,gandhinagar,says:oh i absolutely love the "previously, india was part of pakistan" line. very imaginative. why do these writers work for in pakistan? they could make billions if they worked for disney with all this creativity. [27 Dec, 2008 0925hrs IST] Sameer,Mumbai,says:You can read the original report by A.H. Nayyar and Ahmed Salim. It is called "The subtle Subversion: A report on Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan" [27 Dec, 2008 0923hrs IST] Rajiv Roy,Kokata,says:Well, governments all over the world distort history, don't they? Stop spreading hatred. Pakistanis surely are also exposed to 'history' from sources other than school text-books, like everybody else is. History texts in India are also full of silly propaganda. [27 Dec, 2008 0922hrs IST] Expat,World,says:India should also check for school curricula of Ekal Vidyalayas run by Vishwa Hindu Parishad, propagating a divisive fascist Hindu ideology, for false take on Indian history, this time favoring Hindus, fairy tale Hinduism and hatred for Indian minorities. India can do nothing to change the school curriculum of Pakistani schools. But it definitely can change the increasing power of Hindu fascism in India, which is hurting Indian minorities in a big way. Having millions of Hindus who hate Indian Muslims and Indian Christians is the Indian version of fascism. Kendriya Vidyalayas in India are a good model for all Indian schools. There is a strong sense of unity and patriotism without any Hindu fascism. [27 Dec, 2008 0922hrs IST] Mudassir,Lahore,says:Im a Pakistani, and currently studying in LUMS. I've also studied Pakistan Studies as a core subject in my secondary and higher level education. For your information Pak Studies is more related to internal issues of Pakistan rather than spreading hatred against Indians or for that matter Hindus. If you ever come across the syllabus of Pak Studies than you will witness that it is more focused on internal political situation of Pak since its independence. The syllabus covers the study of democratic and military rules of last 67 years. Hardly you will find a page narrating the 1965 war instead it discusses its reasons and repercussions. At university level the Pak Studies becomes more an analytical subject which aims at critically analyzes the our domestic and international policies since last 67 years. But im not shocked to read this article as this is again a baseless propaganda without EVIDENCE.. If you people want than i mail can you the Pak Std books from class 5 to University level so that you could see how much effort in this article is being made "to build hate culture against pakistan" [27 Dec, 2008 0922hrs IST] Deepak,Jaipur,says:There are many ways to find the truth, and correct the text books. Go to youtube, and look for 1971 Indo Pak war. Well, young generations in Pakistan should not loose the moral. So, they are mistaught deliberately. [27 Dec, 2008 0919hrs IST] Dr Gadasalli,LA-CA-USA,says:Dear Sir, We the overseas Indian community get plenty of oppertunity to meet and interact with Pakistani nationals.It surprises us how ignorant they are about the events and wars between our two countries. They all believe that Pakistan won all the wars conclusively and gave up the conquered terrritory to Indians out of generosity! Poison has been fed to generations of Pak children for 60 plus years and we can not expect any thing better from our neighbor. Our own congress party and their comrades do not want to show that India was infact a super world power before invaders came to our ountry. No body talks about the Gupta dynasty-Mourya dynasty-chola dynasty which had a navy and conquered lot of south east asia. No body talks about the Vijayanagar empire which was an outstanding progressive empire. The foreign tourists who return from India tell us that as soon as they land in New delhi, they were taken to see a number of tombs of mughals and then Agra Taj mahal etc to a continuous narration of the Mughal empire and their influence on India. Many come with the feeling that India is an Islamic nation! This never happens in USA-UK-France etc where they show their tradition history. The arrival of Akshar dham temple in delhi has attracted the eyes of tourists and they they talk a lot about it. many belive it to be more enjoyable and beautiful than the Taj! India should write the true hstory of India.Its great religions. and they should only ocus on the contribution of Modern muslims. The Movie Industry with so many Khans all over the place often gives the Impression whether there are any hindu heroes in the Industry at all! [27 Dec, 2008 0916hrs IST] Amitava,Ottawa, Canada,says:As pointed out by some, without genuine references, this kind of article has little value. I hope TOI will be more responsible to re-publish the article with acceptable references and evidences. [27 Dec, 2008 0914hrs IST] Zakaria Saleem,Nebraska,USA,says:It is such a shame that Times of india is promoting hate itself by allowing such baseless and useless articles to get to front page. I have been born and raised in pakistan in 1972.I have read all the text books in pakistan.They were never constructed as the author suggested.There are millions like me who never hated India or hindus in general.In fact many of our best friends happen to be Hindus, living in west now for years. on the other hand times of india and major TV channels from india have always tried best to cultivate this hate culture towards Pakistan.It is a fact that 60 years have passed and India still has,nt gotten over the fact that Pakistan got freedom from united India and we wanted a separate homeland for muslims. Doordarshan will show progames and live shows interviewing people in karachi who have anti pakistan agenda.Mostly they are poor people who have felt disserted by their corrupt leaders and give anti pakistan statements.I have seen such programmes many a times growing up in lahore where you can see door darshan by the way I get amused all the times even when Indian journalists dont let a chance go by to question as to why pakistan is not declared a terrorist state yet. Reality is we were never taught that pakistan won any wars.We lost in 1965 and 1971.There are millions like me who knew that.But what i feel bad about is that half a century is lost in hatred and anger against each other and we still are standing where we left off in 1947. It is articles like these who ignite the flames of hatred on both sides.Somebody earlier very well said that it smells like shive sena. If we have to solve problems and address issues then it is your responsibility as a author and as a national news paper to promote friendship,peace and harmony among people of India and Pakistan. It may not happen in this century but i hope someday there can be peace and harmony between india and Pakistan.I hope Zee Tv and times of india get this message [27 Dec, 2008 0912hrs IST] |
Friday, December 26, 2008
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