Mr.Ansar Burney is worried about terrorist Ajmal Kasab's human rights. What about the human rights of hundreds of innocents killed by Kasab and his criminal partners at CST, Cama hospital, Taj and Trident hotels. The Jehadis mercilessly killed even a pregnant Jewish woman and her husband the Rabbi (and four other elderly Jewish men/women) at Nariman house, in front of her two-year old son. Is this what their religion preaches? Hatred for other religions and no compassion even for the aged and unarmed civilians?

Let them come to India and have the live/recorded investigation aired to the Indian and the World citizens - do not understand why Indian Govt is scared to do it? Or is there something that the Govt is trying to coverup here to its Citizens? If we are rigth then what is the fear to expose - atleast once Indian Govt needs to expose Paks bloodied hands - else even we Indians will stop trusting the Indian Govt. Do not hide unless the Govt of India has some vested interests to hide.

Let us allow Ansar Burney to access Kasab, but let him make Pak Government acknowledge that Kasab is a Pakistani first. Once Pakistan owns up Kasab, let us prove to them that he is not a human being, fit to claim Human rights.

Burney wants access to kasab ,fine put him in the same cell with kasab

Mr.Ansar Burney is worried about terrorist Ajmal Kasab's human rights. What about the human rights of the hundreds of innocents killed by Kasab and his partner in crime at CST, Cama Hospital, Leopold cafe

It's a good idea to allow Ansar Burney to access Kasab, of course with certain conditions. First let Burney make Pakistan Government accept that Kasab is a Pakistani from Faridkot in Pakistan, then we can brood whether he is a human, warranting human rights.

What else is still required to trial Kasab? Whole universe knows his henious act. By know Kasab should have been stoned to death. Ansar better keep your nose clean. Also it is hard to understand what is left to confess, and why should that militant be allowed to confess. No confession nothing just one trial for nameshake and then execution. First of all allowing him to live till now itself one error.

Quite indicative of the fact that Burney is an LeT man, fit for elimination like rabid canine.

Human rights does't differentiate between races or origin of country. Mr . Burney it is high time for you to join politics either in India or Pakistan , you will be most sought after party spokspeson . It seems ,rather emotional ,to perceive human rights activist more than the salary paid worker of Institutions of human rights . You know your this alignment has done damage to your profession. Kasab sooner or later will be proved - than will you ensure those behind the crime are punished - can you after this curb terrorism from soil of Pakisatn - no that is not your domain, than why don't you keep quite .

Mr. Burney is a good man and has been responsible for pleading the release of many Indians from Pakistani Jails based his advocacy for Human Rights. I think giving him access to Kasab will only bolster India's case as there is no doubt that Kasab is guilty and is from pakistan. I am sure Kasab should and will behanged irrespective of whether we let Mr Burney have access to him.We have nothing to hide, and this will only help.

I think Pakistan wants a group photo with terrorist, Zardari, Gilani and the ISI cheif (cheap)to accept that Pakistan was involved in Mumbai attack. Can Pakistan define what they mean by crediable evidence ? If India still wait for US, UK, Somalia, Arab and Maldeavs to put pressure on Pakistan, will be a waste of time... Use the Indian defence where we spend 15000 crores per annum and equiped with best missiles and air force.. As Bruney to mind his business and not invove in such issues, its an issue of life and death for India.. what the hell human rights he is trying to establish when 120 crore indian's live is in stake..Unless current govt. go for a war with Pakistan, its tough for cong. to capture power again.. Look at Isreal, small country Srilanka.. What we are trying to gain by showing our patiency for killing innocent Indians ?

India should declare a war on Pakistan immediately as it is already high time. We have given enough time, evidence for Pakistan to act. There is no point in expecting a country to take action on militants which brutally failed to take action against militants when they killed their own Leader. India should follow Israel which has taken firm decisions on its citizens security by immediately responding to Palestinians attacks. Let the war effects Indian Economy at the cost of healing a deadly tumour.

Cut all ties with Pakistan along with trade suffocate them in this way also do not allow any cricketer or any artists to come to India any more unless they hand over all the accused to India. Enough is enough I am very happy that no more Pakistani cricketers would be coming to Mumbai in the near future.

You said what is in minds of majority of Indians. But this Governmet will drag on this war of words till elections.After that every body will forget.They cannot take any action because they loose Terrorist religion votes

To hell with United Nations Human Rights Council’s Advisory Committee. What about the human rights of those innocents who lost their lives ? This son of a bitch Burney is playing for the gallery of his own countrymen. What right he has to express dissatisfaction over Kasab's trial ? If Kasab is not a Pakistani, then why Burney should have so much affection for him; and if Burney thinks that Kasab is a Pakistani then let him advice Zardari and Gilani to accept the truth of Kasab's nationality.

Human rights is for humans only.How abt human rights for all those are killed or attacted by these un lawful criminals. Pour kerosene n burn them opp to VT station in presence of parents of criminals.

Sir,What does Mr. Ansar Burney want from Indian Government? What does he mean by fair and impartioal investigation? Does he mean to say that Mr. Kasab did not fire at innocent civilians at CST Railway Station, at Cama Hospital etc., This is really preposterous.

even if kasab is allowed to access to Ansar Bruney, than also the repercussion of wouldn't be different. Pakistan has always acted as an incessant sycophant in the matters of cross border diplomacy, and the whole world is aware of the fact. Mr Ansar is talking about taking help from the international agencies like united nations but what is his take on the Pakistan denial of the evidences gathered by the international agencies from Us and Uk over the involvement of LeT in the Mumbai terror attack? This statement is nothing but the a piece of blarneyed assistance to control the fracas caused by Pakistan.