Sunday, September 7, 2008

One in 20 Americans 'depressed'

Miami, September 7: It seems that 'young America' is in depression.
Yes, despite being in one of the richest countries in the world, more than one in 20 Americans aged 12 and older are depressed, according to the latest statistics from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

And what's shocking is that depression has been found to be more common in women than men.

Of the people suffering from depression, 80 per cent have reported some level of functional impairment, with 27 per cent reporting that it's difficult to work, get things done at home, or get along with others because of the condition.

"Reflecting this high rate of functional impairment, almost two-thirds of the estimated USD 83 billion that depression cost the US in the year 2000 resulted from lowered productivity and workplace absenteeism," according to study authors Laura A. Pratt and Debra J. Brody.

In their survey, the authors culled data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from year 2005 to 2006, which comprised a nine-item screening tool asking about depressive symptoms during the past two weeks.

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