Tuesday, September 23, 2008

'CEO death should serve as warning for managements':Readers Opinions

Write to Editor

Rajendra, Boston, says: I guess a temporary worker can not expect same salary as a permanent employee. This disparity exists in Govt sector also. Further its not the management who is responsible for this type of issues but rather than the Govt itself. As per the current labour laws you can not hire / fire the workers at your will. So the mgmt takes workers as temporary/contractors and give them low salary and then fire them after 3/6 months to avoid making them permanent. Govt needs to think and make labour laws more flexible in a manner so as to give benifit to both the workers and a company.
[23 Sep, 2008 1855hrs IST]

Anupam Gupta, Newcastle UK, says: what rubbish! rather than establishing the rule of law by getting these killers punished, the minister is acting like a trade union leader. No wonder that nobody is safe in this congress "misrule". I would have bought his argument if the news of Mr Chaudhary feeling insecure would not have emerged. It simply meant that there was clear threat to his life and this incidence was not accidental but a planned one. Highly irresponsible one Mr Minister. Ministers in this government whenever they open their mouth, show their intellectual level and make one realize the importance of keeping mum when you don't want to expose your foolishness.
[23 Sep, 2008 1853hrs IST]

MeIndian, ac, says: What a piece of work this minister is ? Instead of going after the guys who committed such a heineous crime, he chooses to sympathize with the guys who beat the CEO to death.
[23 Sep, 2008 1852hrs IST]

Jenboy, Hong Kong, says: Thanks Mr. Oscar Fernandes. Now we the discontent voters know how we should handle our failed elected members of parliment.
[23 Sep, 2008 1850hrs IST]

Sameer Maheshwari, Gurgaon, says: its saddening to know about this death. However, when we talk about economic slowdown and all kind of crunches why do we talk about retrenchment of labour, why not a pay cut in higher managements hugelu inflated packages....
[23 Sep, 2008 1848hrs IST]

SP, Mumbai, says: Mr Fernandes would do well to guage that there is more than a "simmering discontent" against politicians in our country.
[23 Sep, 2008 1847hrs IST]

Vinay Gowda, Bangalore, says: The minister seems to be supporting the employees who have murdered the CEO rather and threatening management. The reason being that the employees being pushed too much. A cabinet minister should be reprimanding these ruthless murderers rather than protect them. If the minister feels it is due to the difference in the pay scales then he should have worked towards solving the issue long back and this scenario would not have happened. Let me ask one question Majorities i.e. we Hindus are being pushed too hard in the same way by the Government appeasing the minorities all the time so VHP or Bajrang Dal can kill, loot and harm the minorities and Oscar Fernandes should warn the Government and minorities in this regard rigth ???
[23 Sep, 2008 1847hrs IST]

Ritesh Kumar, Chaibasa, says: Thanks Union Labour Minister Oscar Fernandes .Please help the poor employees.These MNCs are exploiting Indian like slaves.
[23 Sep, 2008 1846hrs IST]

Anirud, Singapore, says: If your report is accurate (which often is not), what is this man's point? That it is okay to beat people to death when you are discontented? So should all Indian citizens beat Oscar Fernandes to death or worse, quarter him because he is a member of the most corrupted nexus which has done little for salaried, law-abiding, tax-paying individuals?
[23 Sep, 2008 1846hrs IST]

Ramesh, Delhi, says: I agree with the minister . Its time simmering discontent Indians should kill all these ministers now.
[23 Sep, 2008 1846hrs IST]

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