Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Snoring problem? You may have diabetes

London, June 16 (ANI): Australian researchers have suggested a strong relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), snoring and type-2 diabetes.

According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 40 per cent of patients with apnoea suffer from diabetes, while about 23 per cent of diabetics have apnoea.

Now, IDF is urging doctors treating patients with one condition to test for the other.

"There's no question about the link," New Scientist quoted Paul Zimmet, co-chairman of the IDF's task force on epidemiology and prevention, based in Melbourne, Australia, as saying.

Sleep apnoea is the commonest treatable cause of both high blood pressure and heart failure, while type 2 diabetes can also be fatal but is easily managed with the right diet and insulin.

Now, studies are on to identify all patients who have both and to investigate the cause of the link.

The study is published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. (ANI)

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