Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Terrorists have no religion..?...True/False...?

Jihad by Iyer on 2009-01-07 02:32:30.560524+05:30
Bluff. Islam and Koran preach terrorism. People belonging to other religions are called "Kafirs" (Infidels) by Islamic religionists.
Islam and Terrorism by Dr.Chandra k.Shekar on 2009-01-07 02:14:38.274925+05:30
It is great for him and other muslims to say terrorism has no religion and to delink terrorism from religion. The problem is that most of the massacres are carried out by people whose names start with or end in mohommed or masood or ismail or omar or osama and they make no secret of wanting to kill innocent people in the name of islam with the aim of going to(?Islamic) heaven.Also in J
OMAR.....ke liya meri Umar by dv sharma on 2009-01-06 20:52:04.492479+05:30
Omar be bold, active, sensible(you are), humanitarion....you can be the next Prime Minister of India, because economist always busy in calculations. We want youngesters. Your presence on the horizon of India is welcome.
Good point by Vasireddy on 2009-01-06 20:20:39.514457+05:30
Very matured speech and to the point. Keep it up.
Delink religion from terrorism, says Omar by v ramiya on 2009-01-06 19:37:59.683177+05:30
grievances should be addressed. no doubt about it. but islamic terrorism is real. those who think it is nothing to do with islam are people who close their eyes and believe world does not exist. every islamic terrorist group clearly indicates what its objectives are in their website. none indicates terrorism is due to lack of opportunities for fellow muslims. rather, they openly emphasize the need to convert India into an islamic nation. it is wise to accept their proclamations than to listen to leftist and terrorist sympathizers as to the reasons for islamic terrorism.
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