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Kasab thought he was on Mission Kashmir | |||||||||||
Naeem,Pakistan,says:I am a Paksiatni and feel very upset what the likes of Kasab have done in Mumbai. This man is not a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christain. He is a terrorist. Both he and the people who brainwashed him should be shown no mercy. Get all the information out of him so that his trainers are revealed as well. Atthis point, I don't care where he came from. [5 Jan, 2009 1124hrs IST] Sharad C. Misra,Mumbai,says:Shocking ! It shows the extent to which an illiterate or semi-literate , gullible person can be brain-washed so that he can even lay down his life for a fictional cause ! In this case, unlike cases of Tamil Tigers or the Kamicaze Japanese pilots during the Second World War the motivating force to propel the likes of Kasab into action was Islam. Persons like Kasab are conditioned into believing that by sacrificing their lives in the service of Allah they would be destined to paradise where life would be an eternal bliss. They can be only saved from falling into the clutches of terror gurus in madarsaas and seminaries by the Government scanning their curriculum and expurgating from it all that teaches hatred against other religions. There is no other way. [5 Jan, 2009 0443hrs IST] Jack,Samaspur, Punjab, India,says:I thought he already spent some time in the Taj Hotel in summer to study it for the grand plan. That was stated by him during his initial statements. Has he now changed his mind? How can anyone believe this? [5 Jan, 2009 0436hrs IST] P.M.G.Pillai,Mannar Allpauzha Kerala,says:Dear On Line Editor,Ajmal Amir qasb is not revealing all truth but only twisting things for example when he travelled by a boat the certainly he should have know that Kashmir is not asurrounded by any ocean.During eighteen months training hateindia Hate Hinduism must have beenn the most important subject to tune his mind towards saturating his mind on hated to India. Then his statement that Islam doesnot allow killing innocents if correct then he must have known that people standing at Chatrapathy Sivaki Rail way startion were just INNOCENTS waiting for arrival of thier trian to home. But what did he do open fire against all who were in raliwaystartion..Probabaly initially during traing he must have been told that this batch is being traned to free kashmir because the populationwas Islamic and for that killing any one is a route to HEVAN alaso must have been told.Ajmal Amirs mind is still with Islamic Jihadi and AntiIndian he will,not let all secrets of their set up inspite of all questioning. This is clearfrom his statemensts.He must be put up for trial for carrying out TERRORIST activities by trespassing into India, killing hundreds of innocent people and then the government must act according to the court judgement.If the India government still imagines that Pakistan will hand overor even put any one for trial under Pak law is justmoonshine,The Pak government is highly Partisan hence they can not put people on trial or takwe any other action.It is essential that the government ofIndia undersad this fact and keeping this in mind only negotiate or discuss with Pakistan [5 Jan, 2009 0424hrs IST] tanyashaw,USA,says:Thats exactly what i had written in my earlier comments. India's aggression in Kashmir has come around to hit her. India should stop killing innocent people in kashmir and bring about a people friendly solution to the disputed territory and stop being arrrogant about Kashmir as being its integral part, which is not true at all. By hiding the realities from its own people and letting extremist elements cash on what is happening in Kashmir, India is exposing its people to more threat than before. [5 Jan, 2009 0419hrs IST] HeWasRight1,India,says:Actually he was right....ultimatly it would lead to get indians kicked out of Kashmir....he was right, nothing brainwashed there!!! [5 Jan, 2009 0412hrs IST] Krushan Kumar,India,says:This man was firing his automatic killing people - men, women and children. He know what he was doing, he heard them cry in pain. He has been trained to talk to his interrogators. He knows he will get away like the indian airline hijacker. The least the indian police could do is to hang the pictures of his victims on his wall. He should see those picture day and night. [5 Jan, 2009 0337hrs IST] David Cardozo,Mumbai,says:Stop making Mohammad Kasab, the lone surving captured terrorist humane. He is not a victim, he was a ruthless, violent Muslim who came to specially kill Hindus. Now its upto India's leadership to show some spine and take on Pakistan head on. Even if they have a nuclear bomb. What about our nuclear bomb. How many Indians should die, be maimed, property damaged and violent acts perpetuated by Pakistan trained terrorist before our spineless leadership takes some concrete action against Pakistan even if that means war. We need to destroy Pakistan once and for all and take their land without the people as compensation. This will be a just war, its been thrust upon us unfortunately. When India fights this war, India should not care for human right or innocent people getting killed. Human rights is preached to the week. Human right organisations lack credibility. Where are they when millions of African American youth are rotting in US jails, Native Americans in the US anihilated, in Saudi Arabia, China. Does life in India has any value to these human rights organisations. For once Indians should be ready to die and take casualties and go for war to teach Pakistan the ulitimate lesson and wipe it out. We spend billions on the armed forces for what? To protect whom? Its time to use them. [5 Jan, 2009 0318hrs IST] ajoy,patna,says:why the interrogators did not ask him to name and details of his neighbours, their children, his relatives and his covillagers and their children, his friends and their parents and make those names public? it would not have been possible for Pakistan to hide the whole village, from the international eyes. contrary to popular opinion, i would prefer that he lives so long in captivity that he repents his decisions and his actions. he should ask for death but should be kept alive in captivity. longer the life, greater are the chances for his humanization. [5 Jan, 2009 0227hrs IST] Hughes,USA,says:Just torture and kill this terrorist thug. He should be shown no remorse. It is a shame that journalists report of how his mother would pardon him. How about that little kid that he is said to have shot and killed at CST station? That kid will never see the world and never have a chance to grow to be an adult, nor realise his or her little dreams and desires. Thugs should be shown no mercy. [5 Jan, 2009 0218hrs IST] RM,US,says:They should make a documentry of him and release it to world. It will be a lessons and eye opener to all those developing terrorists that no body goes to heaven etc and all this is bull shit. The documentry should be released in world to show that there is nothing achived by terrorism and people should work constructive rather than destructive [5 Jan, 2009 0154hrs IST] KEITH ,U.S.A.,says:The Indian Prime Minister and the Union Minister of law and justice should get America and the third world country to come together and get hold of Prime Minister of Pakistan and who ever is responsible to be bought to books.What we are hearing about Pakistan it looks as if there is no law there, America should get into Pakistan like Iraq and do what was done in Iraq,that is the only way out. [5 Jan, 2009 1121hrs IST] suchitra,malysia,says:Kasab is lying to the maximum possible.He feels he can gain sympathy through all this.But what he should know now is that he can start counting number of days he is going to live(alla's Islam wish)that if he is taken to Pakistan his alla's wished people (militants )won't keep him alive and if he is in India he will be hanged anyways. So now what he should understnd is that he should tell the real truth .Not talk about Islam ,Jihadi's or gods child etc stuff.He should tell the truth about those militants who made him this and how can we get through them so that no more jihadis,mujahudins and militants kill innocent people IN THE NAME OF ISLAM. [5 Jan, 2009 1052hrs IST] Mr India,India,says:Kashmir is not under Indian occupation for it to be given up. Ask Pakistan to give it up. [5 Jan, 2009 1051hrs IST] rajath,kerala,says:I dont think any god will accept this persons action.I think he should get a punishment that should be a lesson for others. [5 Jan, 2009 1036hrs IST] khan,hyd,says:we should strike deep into POK and destroy these dreaded elements . [5 Jan, 2009 1027hrs IST] Khem Harin,Toronto ,says:God is love. Was Kasab expressing his love for these people by brutally murdering them? What about the 13 year old child who lost his entire family? Does he feel great love towards God because of Kasab actions. What kind of God would instruct his people to brutally murder his own creation?. No, it was not God motiving these killers but it was Satan.The enemy of the human race, the source of such hatred. [5 Jan, 2009 1019hrs IST] Kaushik,Bangalore,says:Did he not also know that he was in Mission Kashmir to save a damsel in distress?? It sounds so funny. Once caught they act so naive and innocent as if one fine day they got up and someone asked them to go for a mission and they listened! Stop such Crap. Everyone knows that right from the childhood they are taught to think ill about India and Indians. And why is media so hell bent in highlighting his thoughts? [5 Jan, 2009 1014hrs IST] riya,pune,says:How can any person be convinced by other and how can anybody do it by taking god's name? [5 Jan, 2009 1002hrs IST] Raja Hindustani,USA,says:I don't understand why is TOI making Kasab a HERO. He is such a dreaded terrorist who killed innocent civilians and the super cop Tukaram Ombale. By making comments like this one "He was brainwashed for Mission Kashmir and all" is just INSULTING the dead Indians and the ones injured. I hope some day Indian media would start doing some duty towards the nation than just becoming an entertainment channel/web-site. [5 Jan, 2009 0957hrs IST] Asif,Delhi,says:Dear Editor, "You can tell a person who does not know, you can tell again to the person who fails to understand - But you cannot tell a person who knows but pretends as if he does not know." - Same is the story with Pakistan - they want proofs!! There are issue of so called 'Kashmir liberation' being discussed. Which liberation are we pointing to? - was not the way Kashmir inducted in Indian territory consistent with other regions. If I understand correctly - 'Kashmir liberation' may mean getting the POK and China occupied region FREE! I think this Bombay attack saga is our own problem and we need to deal with it ourself. Don't expect China, US or Britain to help in this!! I think enough time has been 'wasted' on diplomacy routes which hardly resulted any fruitful action. Enough has been obtained from this person. If Pakistan don't own him then send him to 'his version of allah'. No point wasting resources for these type of people. [5 Jan, 2009 0950hrs IST] Hans G.,Germany,says:Look at Israel - they feel the pinch and hit back precisely and deeply where it hurts the most to stop their own pain. I bow my head to this survival instinct. Now look at India - pacifists and fed on lies that BPOs and Software would make the lives of the billion people better and magically the infrastructure would become better as well. World power? Super power? Think again! What this pitiless terrorist does and does not do is not the point -- the point is, where is India's survival instinct? [5 Jan, 2009 0941hrs IST] Niraj Sharma,Sambalpur,says: This is ridiculous I don't Know why we Indians are so emotional and why media is also getting Emotional on this point in time. We all know what he has done. If this time again if we get emotional than no one can save us. [5 Jan, 2009 0940hrs IST] Rad,Canada,says:Kashmir is just a pretex,its just a fake reason; it is not the TRUE CAUSE. The true causes are 1)illiteracy & poverty, 2)the dangerous Islamic fundamentals, 3)the anti-India sentiments in pak culture. If pakistan is so much in love with kashmir then why did it give away land (Aksichin) as gift to china? It could have hung on to that piece of land too. We have border dispute with China too, so why don't they start some kind of jihaad in order to regain Arunachal Pradesh. They do not do it because its not in there "religious & cultural" sense. On the other hand these young boys in Pakistan and India are made to believe in some religious book, and sent for jihaad on pretentions! Kashmir is just an ego-issue for pak and can be resolved through talks. Anybody who thinks that terrorism is because of Kashmir problem are fools. India never occupied Kashmir. It was and is a part of India since independance. [5 Jan, 2009 0935hrs IST] Masudali Shankar,Tianjin, China,says:Dear Sir, With regard to the recent news articles about the sole surviving terrorist, I wish to make two points. First, if Pakistani 4th standard dropouts were able to hold off the cream of the Indian anti terror forces for as long as this lot did, we ought to be glad that they were not people who could think on their feet, and adapt tactics as necessary. Second, the Government of Maharashtra has not announced the composition of the panel that will investigate the episode, nor has the new Chief Minister announced what precise goals he has regarding securing the city, and the timetable in which he commits to getting them done. As long as there is no distance between the politicians and security services on postings, promotions, etc., these incidents will reoccur. [5 Jan, 2009 0921hrs IST] VN,India,says:Just hang this guy,he has worked for satan not god, why should we hear his stories now ? This guy has no remorse and has commited the most unforgivable of crimes. Extract as much information from him and just hang him. [5 Jan, 2009 0910hrs IST] avinash,Sydney,says:Pak Mujhids can only kill innocent people as soft targets. Where are they, now when innocent Palestenians are being slaughtered ? Mahatma Gandhi said that eye for an eye policy will result in all being blind ! How factual. [5 Jan, 2009 0906hrs IST] satyendra,delhi,says:I am surprise to see why so many importance is given to this one terrorist or incidence. I agree that we are living under threat of terror but that does not mean we become used to read only one news everyday. There has been so many attacks/blast in the past and even after this in Assam. We have not done much for any of those attacks. Number of people died or suffered in other attacks has been significant as well. We need to think a comprehensive solution and act rather than just warnings to Pakistan. [5 Jan, 2009 0901hrs IST] Smriti,Pune,says:I believe that whatever said and done,he killed many innocent people by his act and hence he should be hanged.Even if his handlers brainwashed him,it should have given him no reason to still kill people be it in Kashmir or Mumbai.No point keeping a trial. [5 Jan, 2009 0837hrs IST] killpaki,karachirampur,says:Pakistan is a failed state. It is written off. Either U.S. or U.K. should take over and run the administration. Pakistan is incapable of administration. [5 Jan, 2009 0814hrs IST]
Monday, January 5, 2009
Kasab- The Killer Paki Terrorist
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